Sunday, 22 January 2012

Ode To A Dress

Oh woe me. In a move of decisive wardrobe prescription, I have decided to curb all sale buying and rediscover the goodies that lie hidden beneath one another in my wardrobe.

First up is my most favourite in the whole wide world dress. A simple cotton sundress; faded red, punctuated with moth holes and dotted with daises. I love it.

Picked up by Mum around five years ago, the dress was bought on the onus that it was so cheap I could doused it in alcohol and mud at a festival and leave it behind afterwards. I can't even remember if it made it to the festival - but it definitely made it into my fashion heart.

I have worn it on night's out, job interviews, to work and on summer holidays. It has travelled to New York twice, Miami, Edinburgh, Las Vagas, and currently London and alongside my Granny's fur coat, it is the only thing I would save from a burning building.

I owned it when I first met my boyfriend, accessorised then with pink-streaked hair and at times an unsteady pair of rollerskates. Those were the days.

When nothing else jumps from my wardrobe, my daisy dress is always a winner. It is the very essence of me. It's airy and fun. It's young and laid-back. It's also pretty exhausted but fret always pulls through.

Daisy dress I love you.

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