My only plan for 2012 is not to end it in the same predicament as I am in now. Hopefully my internships will pay off and a little job will be in the not-so-distant pipeline. Something that makes me happy and motivated. That's all I am looking for.
This will be the year that I get back to myself. Vintage hunts on a Sunday afternoon will take priority and uncomfortable socializing will be endured to ensure that I return to the social butterfly I once was. I will wear more make-up. Eyeliner to be exact and I'll wear it every single day. I will take the time to painstakingly color my lips with my Topshop Lip Marker and I will reapply when it runs out, instead of fooling people that I've just drank a litre of red dye fizzy pop.
My style will return to being outlandish and I will stop trying to mimic the style of people I work with. It's mainly boring anyway. My hair will turn properly purple and I will start cooking actual food. One bowl of cereal mixed with a glug of milk does not constitute cooking. I will educate myself more. I will stop sitting on Facebook all evening, punctuated only with short glimpses at Hollyoaks.
I will read more. The classics - I'll read them all. Hell, maybe I'll even start writing the novel I've been mulling over in my head for the last few years. I'll make more of myself, promote myself, make life happen - instead of waiting for it to happen.
Oh - and if you're interested - I will blog more. Honestly. No, I really will. Really.
Goodbye 2011, please excite me 2012.
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