Saturday 9 March 2013

London Lifestyle: Yoga

Before moving to London my experience in yoga lay with a 30 minute pilates session. I don't think I thought too much about it at the time, but almost two years into my city life - and learning that there is a difference between the two - I am now a self-proclaimed yogi.

It pains me daily that I spent a summer in New York with my Mum's friend and his girlfriend (a very passionate and experienced yoga teacher) and failed to get into even one downward dog. What an idiot. Nevertheless, I have since tried hot power yoga, vinyasa and ashtanga yoga and even bikram.

Living on the edge of Primrose Hill is unfortunately a blessing and a curse. On the up side,  the most beautiful studios often filled with varying celebrities are right on my doorstep. On the downside, half way through a five week month and with a salary paid in peanuts, affording yoga becomes something of a luxury.

My two favourite studios - Triyoga for 'normal' yoga with really, really great teachers - and Bikram Yoga Primrose Hill for a proper sweat-fest, with encouraging, sometimes pushy teachers to get the best out of you - were out of my grasp this morning. Having exhausted all the introductory offers and special deals, I am now a regular pay-as-you-goer and until pay day comes (where are you) my practice within the studio needs to be limited.

I am contemplating joining a new studio in Highbury and Islington (£35 for 20 days) but the thought of getting the tube with post-bikram red face and drenched hair makes me recoil. So, as a compromise until I decide about the afore mentioned commute from hell, I decided to practice at home this morning.

Now, as a seasoned yogi, you might think that's not that big of a deal, but I really feel I need the direction and focus of working in a class environment. I know I'm meant to salute the sun every morning, but I getting up is hard enough most mornings.

Anyway, I found these two really great classes on YouTube:
This one with Carrie-Anne Fields and this faster, higher intensity one with Duncan Yoga. Both I thoroughly recommend. I might even try to get up early on Monday and start with a quick 45 minute blast to set me up for the day.

Life in London isn't easy but I cannot stress how positive and transformed I feel after practising yoga. Combined with a wholesome healthy diet and positive attitude, it really is the foundation for a happy day.

Have a great one! 

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